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Real Time

Expert Medical

Advice & Support

Emergency Medicine
expert physicians

Founded by an Emergency Physician who has been on the frontlines since day one of COVID-19. We bring Emergency Medicine expert physicians, PAs and NPs with years of covid decision making experience into the school to keep students, faculty and families as safe as possible.

More than just testing. Students and faculty have immediate contact with medical personnel who use clinical covid expertise to evaluate symptoms and help make decisions about returning to the classroom or work.

Stop sending students home and
making parents leave work.

What We Do

Many schools have no access to a school nurse or medical personnel. We put medical professionals in the school. We monitor day-to-day conditions and policies. We immediately evaluate students or faculty with any symptoms. More than just testing. If there is a covid or other medical concern we respond immediately. Professional immediate medical evaluation, examination, and testing, when appropriate, provides immediate answers. Immediate risk reduction.

How We Do It

Experienced medical professionals available when you need them

Risk Reduction

Ask our experts about how you can reduce Covid-19 risk.

Get in Touch

Contact us for more information